
Improved Wikis for research

EN: As O'Reilly Radar reports the NFS announced an award for the development of wiki based systems that help to improve the research process. Unfortunately I get an error message when trying to connect to the original site with the announcement (also archive.org and Google Cache don't help). A comment on the O'Reilly Radar entry by Mac Cowell points out that OpenWetWare is already a project which is going that direction, but I think the development has to go further than that. Especially if you want to increase creativity more concepts have to be included. I like for example the FreeMindBrowser for the MoinMoin Wiki Engine that adds mind mapping functionality to a wiki.

2 Kommentare:

Greg hat gesagt…

Thank you for bringing up improvements to the wiki platform. I'm falling out of favor with wikipedia for stifling creativity. I like the work you do very much. cuda918@gmail.com

Konrad Förstner hat gesagt…

Thanks, Greg.